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What’s New in Wellness & Technology?

From Wellness Interactive Branding, LLC.

Corporate Tech

The corporate wellness world is rising to new heights with — engagement. Giving employees comprehensive solutions such as working with outside agencies combining compassion, science and technology in specialized health assistance, they are providing telemedicine, transparency tools, second opinion services, wellness applications and more that helps everyone to win — employees and employers alike. https://www.limeade.com/

Driver Wellness

Drivers are at the heart of a working economy. Moving goods all over the world, we wouldn’t have what we need (or want) without them. One of the latest initiatives to focus on driver health is a platform that addresses both health and safety. Combining mobile tech with a comprehensive CDL wellness program, Rolling Strong offers in-cab equipment and mobile and EOBR (electronic on-board recorder)integration to manage nutrition, fitness, and sleep.  This is an important innovation to help better the lives of the drivers that the world depends upon— addressing a needed issue to people who have long been underserved when it comes to comprehensive wellness programs.

Tech in Medical Care

So, no…we aren’t quite at Star Wars-level technology yet in medical care— but we are making great steps! With tackling the huge problem of multi-drug resistant organisms that can cause great harm (even becoming fatal!) — hospitals are beginning to integrate UV (ultraviolet) tech  to add a new layer of protection to patients, staff, and hospital guests. With a protocol of treating operating rooms, patient rooms, and other areas of the buildings, professionals are disinfecting spaces where dangerous organisms could be hiding. The UV sessions are performed after the standard chemical disinfections to provide added safety and peace of mind.

Tech for the Best Health of Your Pet

Family pets are adorable and bring much to our lives, and their health care can be challenging at times. Just like other important areas surrounding wellness and technology, entrepreneurs are targeting a need for pet owners too — helping our furry friends feel better and have a more comprehensive and connected health plan.

A powerful mobile solution for veterinarians and pet parents, VitusVet offers an all-in-one digital pet care platform that shares medical information across specialists, general practitioners, emergency vets, and pet owners.  From one-touch refill requests and appointments, appointment reminders, access to medical information, text and picture messaging and more, the application is a true industry disrupter that makes pet care more accessible, healthy, and convenient.

Virtual Reality

The potential of virtual reality continues to climb when it comes to wellness. Nokia, most well-known for producing phones, is branching out. Not only are they introducing new connected trackers for heart rate, activity, sleep, and more, but they have also developed a new 360-degree OZO VR camera.


The implications in regard to medicine could be quite substantial. Recently, the company live-streamed a neurological surgery where attendees could watch the operation on their VR headsets. This could have practical benefits in not only the teaching of medical students, but much more.

Wrapping it Up With Wearable Health

In addition to Nokia’s new trackers, there’s a lot more going on in the “wearable health” industry. As the lives of the world population becomes more and more integrated with technology, entrepreneurs and industry leaders keep expanding their reach into the myriad of health problems that people face.

Cue Fitbit. Probably the most well-known name when it comes to wearables. Now, the company is developing even more sophisticated devices that tackle — sleep apnea. With sleep being so important to public health, the company is currently researching (the products aren’t out yet) sensitive tools to help diagnose and monitor sleep apnea, a condition that makes a person have shallow breathing and periods of pauses in respiration while sleeping. It is not clear yet what form the technology will take, but they are looking at ways to discern how oxygenated the blood levels are, as well as other parameters.

Have you heard of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) wearables? These are used to temporarily relieve minor pain, reduce muscle stiffness, and help elevate mobility for people who have chronic pain. These have been around a while, but are continuing to be used more as the quality and comfort of the devices keep improving.

 Are you excited about all of the possibilities? Who knows what else is in store for the tech industry when it comes to wellness? The Star Trek “medical tricorder” could even become a reality. Whenever a need is discovered, it is quite possible, and logical, that tech leaders will forge ahead —and boldly go where no man has gone before.

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