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Be a Smart Eater! 5 Easy Things You Can Do To Help Reduce Food Waste

From Wellness Interactive Branding, LLC.

Smart Shopping

Preparation is the key to smart shopping. If you have a list, you are more likely to not overbuy. This is most important with dairy products, fresh breads, and fresh fruits and veggies. That splendid squash or savory focaccia bread may be very tempting, but do your best to have planned meals so items don’t get set to the wayside or put in the back of crisper to get mushy.


Bringing your own bags is a simple eco-friendly habit that not only reduces the amount of plastic bag use, but if you also stick to buying what can fit in your bags, this can help you from overbuying too.

Smart Storing

Another simple thing you can do is really pay attention to how you store your food. Try to keep your fridge organized and not packed to the gills where things get lost and grow old and inedible.  Have you ever thought of canning? From delicious jams to spread on your breakfast toast to a batch of fresh green beans from the local farmer’s market you found at a great price, preserving food doesn’t take that much time and it can go a long way to keeping food from getting thrown away. Canning extensively prolongs the life of food while maintaining flavor and nutritious value.


It is important to know the proper way to preserve to maintain food safety. Make sure to follow guidelines with seals and proper storage techniques.  

Creative Cooking

Your taste buds certainly have strong opinions. We can all get in a routine and end up buying and cooking similar things because we know we like them. Often, there may be creative potential waiting in your fridge with those items that are sitting patiently waiting to be eaten. Be proactive! You can even set aside a day every week as a “potluck” or “smorgasbord” dinner. Savory and sweet together can produce exciting combinations.

Also, try your best to make friends with your leftovers. These containers can easily get pushed aside and end up in the trash. Soups and stews are always great backups. Also – omelets! Breakfast has a lot of room to grow with both vegetables and meat. Embrace your inner “top chef” and have fun with herbs, spices, and more to try new things.

Composting for New Growth

Sometimes, you just can’t eat everything. There are lots of things that end up in garbage cans that can be transformed into fuel to make your garden and flowers grow. Whether you make something at home or buy a convenient composting structure at a garden or home improvement store, make good use of such items as:


  • Vegetable and fruit scraps
  • Coffee grounds
  • Crushed egg shells
  • Loose leaf tea
  • Natural tea bags (not rayon or other synthetics)
  • Coffee filters
  • Spoiled coconut/rice/soy/almond milk


Nutrients abound in these items that help to strengthen new garden sprouts and bring more color and vigor to your flowers and other plants. With a little forethought, and a little getting dirty, you can nurture the soil and reduce the impact on your local landfill at the same time.

Donate to Your Community

Many of us have more than we need and can afford to share. Whether you have a regular donation schedule or clean out your pantry only occasionally, consider donating extra food to local community organizations that fight hunger. Sometimes, there are specials at the grocery stores that are a really good deal and we end up buying 5 of the same item at a time — and then we don’t know what to do with it! Know that this simple act of kindness can make a difference, and help keep a precious resource from rotting away in a landfill somewhere.

Try to be a smart eater when you are away from home too. That old saying “The eyes are bigger than the stomach” is often true when visiting friends or family or going to a restaurant. Think before you order, or fill up your plate. It’s all about knowing yourself! And always take your leftovers home. You never know what new dish you can create with it! Being smart with food is a wonderful way to be eco-friendly, and to honor the precious resource that fills our bellies.

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